NoctaBene conceives and creates the lighting design project by your side. Firstly, it takes the visual aspect of your building, and then it examines its natural, cultural or commercial heritage in conjunction with a sensory analysis of the environment, the volumes, the masses and the matters.
Sensing and understanding the historical and architectural atmosphere is our starting point. From this study the lighting concept will be developed within which it will illustrate, poetically and harmoniously, the creative elements, taking account of the need for visual comfort and maintenance in the future.
The development of an urban project raises necessarily the question of night perception. What will be the use of the lighting installation ? How can it be combined harmoniously with security, aesthetic and visual comfort ? How should one locate and position such a lighting project in the city ?
Through this detailed study, NoctaBene gets involved regularly with multi-functional teams such as landscape designers, architects, engineering and design departments and various other services…
Lighting master plan
Genuine tool for planning, this diagram understands studies and recommendations relating to :
. a hierarchisation of the ways and spaces to be treated,
. proposals for a light development of the patrimony,
. prospects for static and dynamic light duality according to spaces and the periods of the year concerned (proposals related to the festive illuminations),
. a selection of materials of lighting according to the classification of the ways (road, pedestrian, landscape…),
. a typology of the materials (the shape of the luminaries, height of masts…),
. the existing chromatic environment,
. temperatures of colors,
. levels of necessary illuminations,
. lamp power,
. a linear range (used materials, colors of furniture…),
. the possible creation of a night itinerary,
. an environmental step related to the technical and conceptual specifications.
It is possible to define the method which will reveal and reinforce the night identity of a city by the use of “the light ingredient“. The lighting master plan accommodates artistic and aesthetic aspects, resulting from technical and financial proposals leading to annual lighting projects.
In order to gain the cooperation of the inhabitants and the municipality, this program must be based on a precise and sensitive reading of the city; its history, its urbanization, and its architecture. To implement such a lighting project, one needs to be aware of the lightings uses and its rhythms.
The lighting master plan will then start with the organisation of the traffic routes, urban districts, architectural features and well known site features. The setting of such a lighting agenda would be developed in conjunction with the city’s efforts to optimize its heritage by creating a poetic and lucid atmosphere. The initial study ensures the control of the energy and maintenance costs, by means of the choice of equipment and lighting sources guaranteeing economic functioning and reduced power consumption.